Eco Friendly Fest

Eco Friendly Fest

On 17 and 18 September we took part in the Eco Friendly Fest at the "Flacon" Design Factory, where we presented the projects Re-bin - a nationwide environmental project and "Back to Business": secondary raw materials, ecology, recycling.

17 September 2022

Eco Friendly Fest

It was an intense, interesting eco-adventure. We were happy to hear how many people really want to make the world a better and greener place, and we saw how enthusiastically the Re-bin service is accepted by those who want to sort and recycle waste.

During the days of the festival, the Re-bin team - together with Artem Gorev and Ekaterina Dubrovskaya - gave a lecture, showed how the system works and explained how important it is to join separate collection and how you can earn money from it.

A sea of communication, hours of stories about our projects Re-bin - nationwide environmental project and «Back to Business»: secondary raw materials, ecology, recycling. The enthusiastic feedback and such a sincere joyful reaction of people to our idea - to create an accessible and convenient service of accepting secondary raw materials for everyone. 

Thank you to the organisers and all the visitors for their attention and support of the project. Many people are already with us on social networks following the news and being inspired by useful information about separate collection and ecological life.

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17 September 2022
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