Founders’ Mondays

Founders’ Mondays

The Big Three was invited as a special guest

13 February 2023

Founders’ Mondays

We spent Monday evening in an informal atmosphere at Founders' Mondays, where The Big Three was invited as a special guest.

Founders' Mondays are meetings in the Founder to Founder format, where there is no task of ‘selling’ your project to an investor. These are friendly meetings of entrepreneurs who speak the same language.

We listened to several pitches, gave feedback, chatted with young and ambitious project creators, answered questions and asked our own.

Thanks for the invitation to the RB.RU team, we had a great time.

13 February 2023
Press service

Specialists of the press service of the Big Three are ready to answer your questions (495) 109-08-20Moscow, Fadeeva st., 4A


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