The Big Three has won a right to develop DM in Komi

The Big Three has won a right to develop DM in Komi

Komi State - is a very interesting and challenging entity for waste management.

04 October 2021

The Big Three has won a right to develop DM in Komi

The Big Three has won the right to create and implement an informational system ‘Digital model of the territorial waste management scheme’ in Komi State.

‘Komi State - is a very interesting and challenging entity for waste management. Region size – its area is less than Sweden, quite severe climate, remoteness and difficulty with accessibility of human settlements – those are the factors, that make the processes in waste management more challenging, and which should be considered at first place, when modeling digital scheme of territorial waste management. However, our automated informational system “Territorial scheme editor” will manage even such difficult task.’ – says the general director of The Big Three company Artem Sedov.

Komi State autonomous governmental establishment ‘Centre for information technologies’ (GAU RK CIT) became the customer. The digital model of a waste management territorial scheme for Komi should be created by December 24th, 2021 year.


According to the legislation, the digital model (DM) of the waste management territorial scheme is a compulsory part of the waste management territorial scheme. DM, created by the Big Three is an informational system, filled with verified data about all members in the waste management industry. It contains information about hundreds of thousands waste formation sources (including housing stock facilities, public use facilities, legal entities, whose work results in solid municipal wastes), tens of thousands container sites, as well as the data about management, utilization, disposal, and placement facilities of wastes in the region.

Used algorithms in the model were developed by The Big Three team. They enable to pave optimized ways for garbage trucks, form various scenarios for developing waste management industry and build long-term forecasts based on them, as well as forecasting tariff changes in waste removal in such scenarios. All this has a positive effect on investment attractiveness of waste management industry in this region.

04 October 2021
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