Electronic models of territorial waste management schemes

Electronic models of territorial waste management schemes

Strategy of waste management industry development

Strategy of waste management industry development

Full compliance with federal and regional legal acts
Taking into account all specific features of each constituent entity of the Russian Federation
Calculation of any number of industry development scenarios, including logistical and economic factors.
Unique software is included in the Unified Register of Russian Computer Programmes and Databases of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

Product for creating and modelling territorial waste management schemes

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste" dated 24.06.1998 No. 89-FL in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a territorial waste management scheme must be developed, and the Government of the Russian Federation decree dated 22.09.2018 No. 1130 defines the requirements for the composition and content of such territorial schemes. Such a scheme is a cornerstone for all processes in the industry, the better it is developed, the more transparent is the investment potential of the industry in the region.

To develop a viable territorial scheme and ensure a reliable return on investment, three conditions must be met: reliable initial data, mathematical modelling of forecasts, and full control over the compliance of all processes with the scheme.

Accurate and verified initial data allows to correctly estimate real volumes in the industry. Calculations are required to assess investment risks, select optimal strategies and advocate them to regulatory authorities and tariff regulators. Monitoring is necessary to ensure that the waste flows planned in the territorial scheme are met and that investment projects receive the promised loadings. Ensuring efficient operation of the industry and full transparency of processes and costs is only possible with the use of modern digital technologies. That is what the product is designed for.

The first of its kind comprehensive tool for designing territorial schemes

«The Big Three» created a unique product in 2016, which is designed for the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and is intended for strategic planning to develop the waste management industry.

Automated Information System «EM TWMS» is a tool for developing a territorial scheme of waste management in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. With the help of AIS «EM TWMS» the current picture in the industry is described and a logistically and economically optimal scenario of the waste management industry development is formed. It is then transferred to the text and table format of the territorial scheme, in full compliance with the regulatory and legal framework.

EM TWMS capabilities:

Cost optimisation

«The Big Three» has developed and implemented in EM TWMS mathematical algorithms to calculate optimal routes for the collection and disposal of solid municipal waste. Those algorithms reduce the cost of transporting solid waste (the bulk of all waste management costs).

The total savings from the implementation of such optimisation in the regions have so far reached 17 billion roubles and have had a positive impact on citizens' payment for the regional operator's service.

The work on formation of the waste management territorial scheme  is carried out according to the following algorithm:

1. Collection, aggregation and verification of a large array of source data required for modelling in AIS EM TWMS:

  • About sources of waste generation.
  • About waste accumulation sites.
  • About waste management facilities.
  • About investment and production programmes, tariff decisions.
  • About the vehicle fleet used for waste transport, current transport scheme.
  • About the current situation in the sphere of separate waste accumulation and development plans.
  • Statistical data, data from state information systems and open sources.
  • Protocols of co-ordination with the PC REO, inter-subject agreements, other information.

2. Formation of the register of waste generation sources, calculation of mass and volume of generated waste for the whole period of the territorial scheme development (5-15 years).

3. Entering the collected and verified data into AIS EM TWMS, modelling of current and prospective waste management system taking into account all necessary conditions and limitations.

At all stages of work, constant interaction with authorised employees of the customer is carried out, preliminary results of each stage are agreed upon in a working order. The opinions and positions of executive authorities, supervisory bodies, tariff regulation authorities and regional operators are taken into account.

Mathematical modelling of predictions

Automatic calculation of waste disposal logistics

Prediction of logistics flows for any number of waste groups

The system calculates the logistics of any waste groups (mixed, separately accumulated, large-sized and separate fractions (plastic, metal, glass, paper, etc.). The editor allows you to take into account any number of conditions and restrictions for the construction of logistic flows.

Consideration of available container and transport fleets in calculations

The system takes into account all factors that can affect the waste management industry from economic and demographic development to the number and type of waste containers.

Flexible setting of the transportation direction in interactive mode

With the help of the EM TWMS editor it is easy to edit the transport directions and see the visual result on the map

Calculation of the required number of special vehicles

The system itself calculates the required number of special vehicles and waste disposal costs according to fleets.



Integration via API with external systems, including the federal scheme of solid municipal waste management, Federal Tax Service, Software and technology complex of state control, State register of facilities with negative environmental impact (PTO UTNVOS), Unified State Information System of Solid Municipal Waste Accounting (EGIS UOIT), GIS Housing and Utilities and other information resources.

Join us for a video demonstration of the site

We invite everyone interested to participate in a group video demonstration of our product, where we explain and advise on any questions free of charge.

When: every Wednesday at 10:30 (Moscow time)

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