
History of the company

The Big Three have come a long way and continue to grow to realize digital technologies to protect and improve the world around us.
  • Won the second international climate competition ‘Green Eurasia’. ‘A.PRO - Automation of Regional Operator Processes’ took first place in the nomination ‘Low Carbon Closed Loop Economy’.october
  • Together with PharmFrame, we launched the B3-MED project, a medical IT company developing a support system for medical decision-making. They ensure the safety and efficiency of medical care delivery.june
  • New AgroGO platform: a service that brings together customers and contractors to perform agro-operationsmay
  • "The fastest way to create marketplaces and aggregates of any complexity. BAZIS framework" took first place in the "Best Digital Platform" category of the CIPR DIGITAL awardmay
  • Members of the program committee of the project-educational intensives "Archipelago 2024"february
  • Three projects made it to the TOP 1000 of the Strategic Initiative Agency's forum "Strong Ideas for New Times"february
  • Speaking in a panel session at Digital Almaty 2024 in Kazakhstanfebruary
  • Became a prize winner of the I National Award "Smart City" for contribution to the development of digitalization of urban economydecember
  • We confirmed our status as a socially active and responsible company by winning first place in the Responsible Business category of the #WEARETOGETHER International Awardnovember
  • Acknowledgement for participation in the V International Municipal Forum of BRICS+ Countriesnovember
  • First place in the Responsible Business nomination of the regional stage of the International Award #WEARETOGETHERnovember
  • Finalist in the contest of promising Russian brands within the Strong Ideas for New Times forumoctober
  • Confirmed the status of a partner of the national project "Ecology"july
  • Finalist of the contest "Strong Ideas for New Times" with the project Smart Wastejune
  • The projects "The largest online service for industrial and construction waste management" and "Software and hardware complex for environmental monitoring and instrumental calculation of carbon balance" were included in the TOP-1000 projects of the forum "Strong Ideas for New Times"june
  • 3rd place in the top 10 ideas of the Strong Ideas for New Times competitionjune
  • Winners in the category "Digital Transformation Leader" of the CIPR Digital-2023 awardjune
  • Took third place in the National Award "Our Contribution" in the medium-sized business categorymay
  • Received thanks for their contribution to the internship for the students of the program "Software Engineering and New Software Development Technologies" within the framework of the federal project "Advanced Engineering Schools"april
  • The company was awarded the «Partner of National Projects» status as a finalist in the National Ranking «Our Contribution», which is being implemented by the autonomous non-profit organisation «National Priorities»may
  • Winner of ESG Awards Russia 2022 in the category «Environmental. Environmental Protection»november
  • Finalist of the technology competition «Recycling Tech 2022»december
  • The projects were included in the TOP-100 ideas list of the Forum «Strong Ideas for New Times» (selection among 14767 ideas of the Forum based on the assessment of scale, newness, maturity, relevance, investment attractiveness and level of project planning)july
  • «National Champion» statusapril
  • «The best project on efficient SMW management» of the III Nationwide competition of the best environmental regional practices «Reliable partner – ecology»november
  • Winner of the first open contest in the best practices and ideas «Leaders in sustainable development», that was organised in cooperation with UN.november
  • Winner of the Moscow Entrepreneur Award «Breakthrough of the Year» in the category «Digital Entrepreneur»december
  • The projects were included in the list of TOP-100 ideas of the Forum «Strong Ideas for New Times»november
  • Became the winners of the Moscow Entrepreneur Award «Breakthrough of the Year» in the category «Digital Entrepreneur» (EY competition)december
  • Winners of Russia's first accelerator for technology startups offering solutions in ecology GreenTech Startup Boosterdecember
  • The second fastest growing technology company in Russia («TECHUSPEH» rating 2020)june
  • Won 22 state contracts for updating the EM TWMSdecember
  • At a meeting with the UN Under-Secretary-General, we agreed to pilot our system to collect information on waste production around the worldoctober
  • We won a state contract to develop a state information system for handling hazardous waste of classes I-IInovember
  • Second fastest growing technology company in Russia («TECHUSPEH» rating in 2019)december
  • Concluded a state contract for modernisation of the unified state information system for recording waste from the use of goods in terms of solid municipal waste management (EGIS "UOIT") and development of all IS of Rosprirodnadzor of the Russian Federationaugust
  • Participated in GMIS. Were included in the top 15 best international industrial start-upsjuly
  • Concluded the first contract with JSC «SOGAZ»april
  • Became one of 24 companies invited by ASI to perform during the Russian President's visit to Serbiajanuary
  • The first contract for more than $10 million.january
  • Became a resident of Skolkovonovember
  • Concluded 14 contracts for the implementation of ACS «Waste Management»december
  • Won 19 government contracts for the EM TWMS developmentdecember
  • Received a grant from the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technologydecember
  • Became the members of expert councils in the Nationwide People's Front (ONF), the State Duma and the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation. december
  • Received the Award from the Government of the Russian Federationdecember
  • First contract for federal IS development (under contract).november
  • Received licences from the Federal Security Service and the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of RF, obtained training in information protection from the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federationjuly
  • Received a certificate of conformity: ISO 9001:2015 «Quality Management Systems. Requirements»june
  • The first contract for more than $500 thousands. january
  • Held a demonstration of our system at UN Headquarters in Genevafebruary
  • Received a commendation from the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation for the done workmarch
  • First commercial launch of NB-iOT in Russia with PJSC MegaFon and HUAWEImay
  • Won 8 government contracts for the EM TWMS development june
  • Concluded 1 contract for implementation of IS for operational management of RO processes (ACS «Waste Management»)july
  • Registered the rights on the developed software. Registered our software in the software register of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federationnovember
  • Concluded the first contract for the development of an Electronic Model of the Territorial Waste Management Scheme for the Moscow Oblast (EM TWMS)february
  • Performed the development of 3 EM TWMSnovember
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