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Korea made a biodegradable constructor for children
Korea made a biodegradable constructor for children The dyes are also made from natural products and are compostable. According to designer Subin Cho, the Rice Husk Village constructor is long-lasting and can be used to play by more than one generation of children.
02 February 2023

Scientists have invented fertiliser from plastic and corn waste.
Scientists at the University of California have invented fertiliser from plastic and corn waste. To do this, they mixed polystyrene with husks, cobs and leaves of corn. The resulting mixture was processed under hot water pressure, and the result was charcoal, which can be used as a fertiliser.
01 February 2023

Paper cheques will disappear in France
From 1 April 2023 in France, paper cheques will only be available at the customer's request. The automatic printing of cheques after the payment will be stopped. This measure will reduce a significant amount of ink and paper.
31 January 2023

It's hard to imagine a beautiful artwork out of waste
What many people think of as waste can be used to create real works of art. It is hard to imagine a beautiful artwork made of waste, because most people think of waste as rubbish and dirt.
31 January 2023

Cleanest countries in the world: UK
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is also among the top five cleanest countries. It took 20 years for the UK to achieve this result.
30 January 2023

Eco-friendly life for pets
Not only can humans have an eco-friendly lifestyle, but so can their pets. Here are some eco-friendly tips for keeping cats and dogs in the house
27 January 2023